Jobs and Internships

The School of Journalism and Strategic Media encourages students to supplement their academics with real-world working experiences, and the school provides a structured system that benefits students and employers. For opportunities, scroll through new job postings from Handshake or check out more opportunities and tips from the campus-wide  Offices of Career Connections. Follow the Journalism School on Facebook for periodic updates on media related job and internship postings.

If you accept an internship, please immediately contact Internship Coordinator Gina Shelton at to discuss credit.

Internship FAQ

A journalism internship is a full- or part-time temporary position in a professional media operation, whether it be a newspaper, television station or ad agency. Students in all journalism sequences are encouraged to take part in at least one internship, for experience as well as course credit.

Students will receive emails about available internships via the journalism school listserv. Many of the best internships have very early application deadlines and some are highly competitive.

For Employers:

Listings must include

  • internship description
  • internship skills requirements
  • whether the internship is paid or unpaid
  • application deadline — if you do not include a deadline, a 90 day deadline will be assumed
  • contact or application information

For fall and spring semesters, your due date is Reading Day of the semester during which you intern. For summer semester, your due date is the last day of summer classes. Your registration semester and your internship semester may be different. If they are, your packet is due during your internship semester. If you miss your due date, you will receive an incomplete. In that event, please contact Gina Shelton to set a new due date. Grade changes can be effected after your new due date.

Enrolling for an internship is a two-step process.

  1. Before you begin your internship, should notify the internship coordinator and submit an internship application. Your internship won't count until you have done so.
  2. You must also register on UAConnect for your credit hours. This is a variable-credit course, wherein you may choose 1, 2 or 3 credit hours. You may register for the semester during which you intern, or for the semester immediately following your internship.

Your internship packet is due on Dead Day of the semester during which you perform your internship, or one week after your internship is complete, whichever comes first.

Please remember — no plastic slipcases, no binders. Thanks. Questions? Email Gina Shelton.

Students can earn from one to three hours of course credit by registering for JOUR 402V, Internship; however, there are eligibility guidelines:

  • Junior status (completed 60 hours)
  • 2.50 or higher cumulative GPA
  • Completion of 10 hours in journalism.

Many students find their own internships through their business and collegiate contacts. However, the journalism school receives many requests for interns every semester, often through Handshake. The internship coordinator can assist you.

When you have found your dream internship, notify the internship coordinator to fill out an internship application and then enroll in the internship course.